
5 crossword puzzles similar to Wordle Foren-Übersicht -> Suche Mitspieler
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BeitragVerfasst am: 8 Dez 2022 02:48   Titel: 5 crossword puzzles similar to Wordle Antworten mit Zitat

Custom Wordle
Wordle Custom is a game that has the same goal as Wordle, but it has different options to be able to play the game you want every day, and it also allows you to create the word you want to be able to send to your friends so they can try to guess it.
Create your own Wordle Wordle!Guess the hidden word in 6 tries. You can also share your own words!
lewdle rules are very simple and work exactly like Wordle's. Players must guess a new five-letter word every day for six attempts. Correctly guessing the correct letter turns green, while correctly guessing a letter in the incorrect position turns yellow to indicate you're close.
dordle The game consists of two grids of letters side by side, both of which work like the standard format: five letters, six guesses, gray squares for letters not in the solution, and yellow squares for letters. letters in the wrong place and green for letters in the right place.
The difference here, however, is that despite choosing two words, you still only get six guesses – each valid for both games at the same time.
As in Wordle, there is a secret word of five letters that we have to try to guess, while the game itself indicates the letters that we are getting right.
After typing the word and pressing Enter, the letters of the suggested word are colored green, yellow, or gray.
This is Wordle's "evil" version, avoiding giving you an easy answer. With each attempt, Absurdle reveals as little information as possible, changing the secret word as needed.
Mathler is a simple game that can be played for free on its own website.
Unlike Wordle, you get the answer first, and in this case, it's a number. The challenge is to find the equation needed to arrive at the number, using the digits 0-9 and the math operations +, -, *, and / placed in six boxes.
Mathematica is light on rules and heavy on simplicity:
You must guess the solution six times or less.
Each equation you enter must have a valid answer. So if the answer is 20, your guess can't be 50 + 5-2 because that doesn't equal 20. Right off the bat, this is one of the hardest things about it.
The correct entry turns green.
A true or false entry will turn yellow.
Incorrect entries will be grayed out.
Numbers and math can be used more than once.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26 März 2023 12:32   Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

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BeitragVerfasst am: 29 März 2023 09:31   Titel: Thank you Antworten mit Zitat

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