
UEFA-Nachwuchspreis für DFB Foren-Übersicht -> Nationalmannschaften
Autor Nachricht

Anmeldungsdatum: 24.11.2002
Beiträge: 4574
BeitragVerfasst am: 27 Okt 2009 13:45   Titel: UEFA-Nachwuchspreis für DFB Antworten mit Zitat

UEFA ehrt DFB mit "Maurice-Burlaz-Trophäe"

Die UEFA zeichnet den DFB für die beste Nachwuchsarbeit in Europa mit der "Maurice-Burlaz-Trophäe" aus. Das Kriterium für die Vergabe dieses Preises, der alle zwei Jahre verliehen wird, ist das Abschneiden der Verbände bei den Europameisterschaften der U 17- und der U 19-Junioren in den Jahren 2009 und 2008.


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Germany win UEFA's Maurice Burlaz Trophy

Germany have won the Maurice Burlaz Trophy – the trophy awarded to the national association which has achieved the best results in UEFA's men's youth competitions, and which is named after the Frenchman and former vice-chairman of the UEFA Youth Committee.

Youth results
The trophy has been awarded to European national associations since 1990, on the basis of results obtained in the UEFA European Under-17 Championship and UEFA European Under-19 Championship over the previous two seasons. Germany won the Under-19 tournament in 2007/08 and the Under-17 championship in 2008/09.

December presentation
Germany, with 16 points and winners for the first time since 1992, finished two points ahead of Spain – winners four times in succession – and France, with Italy and the Netherlands finishing on 13 points. The trophy will be presented at the next youth competition draw ceremony in Nyon in December.
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